Describe and discuss the value of short-term goals identifying at least 3 personal examples.

Task One:
Produce a detailed plan for the following report question:
Describe and discuss the role of personal development planning. Using a Personal Development Plan, outline your aims and objectives for your Professional Development (including your University Career).

Your plan should include section headings, main ideas and quotes you want to use and adhere to the following structure: –

1. Define the concept of personal and professional development.
2. Describe and discuss the value of short-term goals identifying at least 3 personal examples.
3. Describe and discuss the value of medium-term goals identifying at least 3 personal examples.
4. Describe and discuss the value of long-term goals identifying at least 3 personal examples
5. Describe and discuss the value of a Personal Development Plan and construct an example using your identified goals. (This will only be included in the appendices of Assignment 2).

Task Two:
Describe and discuss how ‘Author, Purpose, Reliability and Relevance’ affect the use of a source.
Task Three:
Write an evaluation of eight sources you have used in the report plan.
Each evaluation must consider the following:

Task 4
Your plan should be grammatically correct and must contain appropriate in-text referencing and a list of references at the end.