Explain how the artist was innovative, should be answered about the artist’s work, not his or her biography. Consider how the artist was experimental. Was the artist trying new techniques or tackling unique subject matter? Was the artist a leader of a movement? What did he or she contribute to the art movement or the art world?

Question 5 asks you to discuss how the artwork that you chose to illustrate is characteristic of the movement. To accomplish this, you must create a comparison between the art work and the style of the movement. Take one sentence to describe the art work in your own words. Next take 1-2 sentences to explain the idea of the movement and point out some of the characteristics of the movement that you see. How do the artists from this movement use the style elements (light, color, composition, line, perspective, technique, etc…) to convey the ideas of the movement? What specific examples of that do you see in the work that you have chosen?

Question 6 asks you to identify challenges that have affected the artist’s work.  When we talk about an artist’s work, we are talking about his or her art work. How does this challenge affect what the artist is choosing to create or how the artist chooses to represent it? Start by identifying the challenge or world event that the artist faced, then end your sentence or include a second sentence to explain how we see this challenge in what the artist was creating. For example, Vincent Van Gogh suffered with depression, which led to his work becoming more dark with frequent usage of dark colors and aggressive brush strokes. Try this on your own for the other artists. Look at some of their art works and see if you can see a common theme.

The last question, how the artist was innovative, should be answered about the artist’s work, not his or her biography. Consider how the artist was experimental. Was the artist trying new techniques or tackling unique subject matter? Was the artist a leader of a movement? What did he or she contribute to the art movement or the art world?