Explain if the leader was successful in overcoming the challenge and why or why not.


Address all of these bullets (create an appropriate APA heading):

1. Identify which one of the six dimensions you have learned about (i.e., trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, and process) seems to be the most obvious for the leader you have chosen to research for your final project (NBA Legen Michael Jordan)

2. Describe the biggest challenge this leader had to face and how was it overcome.

3. Identify the trait or skill the person used to overcome this challenge.

4. Explain if the leader was successful in overcoming the challenge and why or why not.

5. Describe the style of leadership this person exhibits (i.e., authoritarian, democratic, or laissez-faire).

6. Provide specific examples for why you chose this style.

7. Explain emotional intelligence and its importance as a leadership skill.

8. Explain the importance of a leader following and communicating a vision and setting the tone.