Identify and research two strategies (e.g., specific interview, observation, test) (any type of assessment) designed to assess the construct.


1.) Select a construct that you are interested in (e.g., mindfulness, resilience, depressive symptoms) Generativity (middle adulthood)

2.) Create an assessment question (e.g., “What is the best strategy to assess…?”) relevant to a construct of your interest (e.g., anxiety, emotional regulation) among your desired population (e.g., in adult clients).

3.) Identify and research two strategies (e.g., specific interview, observation, test) (any type of assessment) designed to assess the construct. You can pick two interviews, two tests, one interview and one test, or any combination of strategies. You just need to pick two. You can use your textbook, online databases (e.g., Academic Search Complete, PsychInfo, PsychTEST), testing manuals, scientific articles discussing the instruments, other testing resources (e.g., the Mental Measurements Yearbook), contact the authors, and/or contact the test publishers to find information on the strategies. NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OBTAIN AN ACTUAL COPY OF OR ADMINISTER THE STRATEGY THAT YOU CHOOSE. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PICK THE TWO BEST ASSESSMENTS; THE GOAL IS TO PICK TWO AND PRACTICE EVALUATING EACH.

4.) Create a chart (or narrative report) that compares both strategies according to the criteria in the Become an Expert Rubric. If creating a chart, please use “landscape” page orientation. Some students like to use the rubric as the base for their chart, and then add in the information specific to their strategies. (Rubric included as attachment)

5.) Ensure that your citations and references are in line with the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, but you do not need to follow the overall paper format.

Note: This assignment will be checked for plagiarism using TurnitIn.

• The assessment question you developed and strategies chosen • Your evaluation of each measure’s strengths and weaknesses

Thoughts about how you could use the results provided by each assessment to inform your counseling process

• Your decision about which instrument you would use to assess your construct and why