Evaluate the relative impact of mestizaje, slavery, global economics, and frontier settlement on the creation of Mexican identity.

Student Learning Objectives (ACGM) Assessed in this assignment:
1. Create an argument through the use of historical evidence. (SLO1)
2. Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources. (SLO2)
3. Describe the transformation of indigenous societies from 1400-1700. (SLO3)
4. Explain causes/effects of European conquest and colonization on the Americas.(SLO4)
5. Evaluate the relative impact of mestizaje, slavery, global economics, and frontier settlement on the creation of Mexican identity. (SLO5)
6. Connect independence movements, imperial conflict, class formation, and regional resistance to the making of independent Mexico. (SLO6)
8. Compare and contrast the borderland regions of California, New Mexico and Texas from 1800-1850 (SLO8)