Create a PowerPoint, a 1 page paper of a current issue in education and a handout. The 1 page paper is a summary of your PowerPoint, which is to be written in paragraph form. You also need to create a video of your presentation and upload it to Blackboard
Please choose from the following topics: assessment, standards, standardized testing, different teaching strategies, the use of technology in the classroom and schools, differentiate instruction, bullying and bully prevention in schools, the impact of child abuse in schools, full inclusion and mainstream instruction or teacher preparation standards. If you would like to do a different topic, please contact me prior to starting the project.
Please read your papers and PowerPoint before turning them in for any spelling or grammar errors. DO NOT PLAGRIZE- You will receive and âFâ on this assignment if you do.
Please make your topic fit to the following areas listed below.
Your power point, paper and handout need to include the following information;
Introduction, Background and Prevalence
– Current research findings. What is it controversial about the topic? Why is it a critical issue?
– Who does it affect? Find statistics on who it impacts. (Race, ethnicity, population(teachers, teenagers, children), males verses females affected)
– Etiology- cause/area of the brain affected (if applicable).
What are the Causes, Signs and/or Symptoms and how can it been seen in the classroom?
– What causes it? Meaning why it this occurring or what change resulted in this
– What are the signs and symptoms that this is an issue or a controversy?
– How do you see it in the classroom or in the media as it relates to education?
– How is the topic used or see in the classroom?
– What does it physically look like? (if applicable)
– Any emotional or biological component that impacts the teachers or the students or the staff of the school?
What are the interventions/treatments or modifications or resources needed?
– What are the various types of treatments/ modifications/ interventions/ resources that are used with your topic?
– What are the pros and cons for each intervention/treatment or modification? What are the roadblocks or things that might get in the way with your topic?
Where can teachers go to get more information about your topic?
– What resources can be used? What types of training is available?
– What are the costs?
– What school staff would be involved?
Information from a research study to support your topic. Please use the CCM library and find one scholarly article to support your topic.
– What population was used?
– What was their hypothesis and did they prove or disprove the hypothesis
– What are the findings and how can they be applied to your topic?
You need 7 references for your educational issue. Please list your eight references in the correct format. Your paper and presentation MUST include your textbook as one reference and six additional sources. At least one of these sources needs to be from a scholarly research journal. Make sure they are credible sources.