Explain the relationship between your social movement and social movement theories

What is a web page/ site?

 A web page is a document which can be used on a web browser and web site is a related set of web pages which are hosted under the same domain site.

What will my web page/ site need to include?

 Your web page/ site will need to:

 Succinctly establish how and why the movement developed;

 Explain the relationship between your social movement and social movement theories

 Focus on those which are essential for someone without prior knowledge of social movement theories to understand

 Think about how you can precisely and effectively communicate this to the general public who may have no expertise in social movement theory

 Make suggestions about how audiences can contribute to social change

 This should be based on evaluating of the trajectory, achievements and shortcomings of the movement case study for contributing to social change

What is the word count?

 1000 words excluding the reference list

Can the information be spread over multiple pages (i.e. can I create a site rather than a page)?

Yes, but please ensure that you are within the word count.

When is it due?

Can we use footnotes on the web page/ site so it is more user friendly?

Yes, if they are correctly formatted.

 The 1000 word count should not include your list of references and your in-text references

What will I be assessed on? (See the rubric: Individual web page)

 Content

 Application of design principles, colour theory, use of images and typography

 The web page/ site blueprint

 Communication

• Referencing