Discuss Can a person’s executive function (Executive) predict his/her verbal IQ (verbIQ)?

Q3. Checking the normality assumption (6 points total)
In this question set, we examine the three scale variables to check the normality assumption.
– Use histogram to get a visual evaluation.
– Use Shapiro-Wilk’s test of normality to determine if a variable meets the assumption

A. Check VerbIQ for the normality assumption.

1. Paste the histogram of this variable (.5 point)

2. Paste the table for Tests of Normality (.5 point)

3. Determine whether the variable meets the normal assumption based on Shapiro-Wilk’s test result and explain your rationale (1 point: .5 for decision, .5 for rationale)

B. Check Age for Normality assumption.

1. Paste the histogram for this variable (.5 point)

2. Paste the table for Tests of Normality (.5 point)

3. Determine whether the variable meets the normal assumption based on Shapiro-Wilk’s test result and explain your rationale (1 point: .5 for decision, .5 for rationale)

C. Check Executive for the normality assumption.

1. Paste the histogram with a normal curve (.5 point)

2. Paste the table for Tests of Normality (.5 point)

3. Determine whether the variable meets the normal assumption based on Shapiro-Wilk’s test result and explain your rationale (1 point: .5 for decision, .5 for rationale)

Q4. Analyzing data to answer research question (8 points)
Research Question: Does the participants’ age differ significantly across different marital status (Marital) groups?
For this analysis, assume that the variables meet all the assumptions for the statistical test you wish to perform. Use = .05.

A. What is your chosen hypothesis test? What is the rationale?
(1 point: .5 for test, .5 for rationale)

B. What are the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the test?
(1 point: .5 for each hypothesis)

C. Perform your chosen analysis and paste the main result table from SPSS.
(1 point)

D. Report the omnibus test result using symbols in the APA format. Be sure to include the test statistic (including degrees of freedom), the p value, and the effect size.
– Report the statistics in one line separated by commas
– Italicize the statistic symbols
(3 points total: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 3 total)

E. Draw a conclusion on the hypothesis test result (whether the null hypothesis is rejected or not) and answer the research question accordingly.
(2 points: 1 for hypothesis test result, 1 for answering the research question)

Q5. Analyzing data to answer research question (8 points)
Research Question: Can a person’s executive function (Executive) predict his/her verbal IQ (verbIQ)?
For this analysis, assume that the variables meet all the assumptions for the statistical test you wish to perform. Use = .05.

A. What is your chosen hypothesis test? What is your rationale?
(1 point: .5 for test, .5 for rationale)

B. What are the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the test?
(1 point: .5 for each hypothesis)

C. Perform your chosen hypothesis test and paste the main result table(s) from SPSS that contain the test statistic, p value, and effect size.
1 point: If the pasted tables show some statistics but not all three, deduct .5

D. Report the omnibus test result using symbols in the APA format. Be sure to include the test statistic (including degrees of freedom), the p value, and the effect size.
– Report the statistics in one line separated by commas
– Italicize the statistic symbols
(3 points total: Deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 3 total)

E. Draw a conclusion on the hypothesis test result (whether the null hypothesis is rejected or not) and answer the research question accordingly.
(2 points: 1 for hypothesis test result, 1 for answering the research question)

Q6. Analyzing data to answer research question (8 points)
Research Question: Do males and females differ in verbal IQ (VerbIQ)?
For this analysis, assume that the variables meet all the assumptions for the statistical test you wish to perform. Use = .05.

A. What is your chosen hypothesis test? What is your rationale?
(2 points: 1 for test, 1 for rationale)

B. What are the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the test?
(1 point: .5 for each hypothesis)

C. Perform your chosen hypothesis test and paste the main result table(s) from SPSS that contain the test statistic, p value, and effect size (if available from SPSS).
(1 point: If the pasted tables show some statistics but not all three, deduct .5)

D. Report the omnibus test result using symbols in the APA format. Be sure to include the test statistic (including degrees of freedom) and the p value. (No need to include effect size for this analysis.)
– Report the statistics in one line separated by commas
– Italicize the statistic symbols
(2 points total: deduct .5 for each error in value or format up to 2 total)

E. Draw a conclusion on the hypothesis test result (whether the null hypothesis is rejected or not) and answer the research question accordingly.
(2 points: 1 for hypothesis test result, 1 for answering the research question)