Identify the individual and organisational consequences produced/might be produced by the decisions.

Report content

Your report should address the following questions. o What are the key decisions?

o How have/could the decisions be made?

o What consequences might these decisions produce?

o How to improve decision making and prevent these consequences?

Report structure

o Introduction approx. 150 words

Identify key organisational decisions that you intend to analyse in the report.

Outline relevant concepts and perspectives of decision making that your report will draw on to

conduct the analysis.

o Evaluation – consequences approx. 500 words

Identify the individual and organisational consequences produced/might be produced by the


State whether these consequences are positive with evidence to justify your statements.

o Analysis – context approx. 500 words

Discuss the type(s) and context of the decisions that are identified in your introduction. Identify the key decision makers involved and how they are involved.

o Evaluation – process (with reference to the literature) approx. 1100 words Identify the decision-making approach(es) used/could be used.

Discuss the factors that contribute(d) to the decision-making process. Evaluate the decision-making approaches(es) and process.

o Recommendations for change approx. 350 words

Identify the ways how to improve decision-making to prevent the identified consequences. Explain the reasons why your proposed solutions can be effective.

o Analysis – future challenges approx. 250 words

Discuss the potential obstacles that might hinder the organisation from adopting the improvement and/or alternative(s) that you proposed in the section 5.

o Conclusion approx.150 words

Summarise the report with a focus on the context, decision-making process, and your

BUSI1702 Organisational decision making Assessment


o References

Include only the references that you have cited in the report. Use Harvard referencing system