Critically discuss recent trends, especially, COVID-19 in the business environment that require the attention of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer as a management accountant.

(A). In your report, you are required to critically discuss recent trends, especially, COVID-19 in the business environment that require the attention of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer as a management accountant. You should support each trend with particular reference to the existing literature (30 marks).

(B). Using the existing literature, you are required to provide critical discussion and evaluation of the Porters generic strategies with clear demonstration of how the implementation of generic strategies will help your firm to stay ahead of the impact of COVID-19 and competition in a global environment. You should provide empirical evidence and support your discussion with appropriate references from the literature (30 Marks).

(C). Suggest and discuss how the Value Chain Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces will be used by your firm to gain competitive advantage in a COVID-19 business environment and global environment. You should support your answers with relevant literature and appropriate references (40 Marks).

This individual assignment must show cohesion in analysis and development. It must be your own work with supporting evidence from the literature appropriately acknowledged. Also a match between your in text citation and bibliography must be maintained, consistent with Harvard style. Please note, plagiarism does not only exhibit lack of academic discipline BUT constitutes a serious offence!