Describe the importance of data analytics in todays digital world

Paragraph 1- Why big data for me and importance of big data in todays digital worl

Describe the importance of data analytics in todays digital world

Growing Up I was always amazed at the power of statistics and big data. The ability to dive into data and out of it get valuable hidden information.
The reason I went into data analytics
I am curious person/cusiosity
The love of digging into data to find hidden information

Paragraph 2- Talk about my experience in data analytics
I have academic experience- took courses in programming and analytics
Have job experience
Falcons Logistics- HR Data Analyst
Work force analytics- Used data to gather info on employee status and recruitment/talent pipeline metrics
Looked at time it took to fill vacancies/ how long it took to hire and fill a position etc

Tealium- Market Research and Sales Analyst
Cleaned and prepared data
Assisted analytics team in creating machine learning model that improved lead generation. The model classfied each customer based on their digital footprint and tagged a score which determined how valuable the lead is, as result of the model, sales team were able to get more qualifying rich leads which led to more sales.

I also analyzed data to find insights on sales team productivity and performance

Paragraph 3- Talk about future goals
My future goal is to be more involved in machine learning/business analytics and be part of the changing world.
What I hope to gain from the program- hone my analytical skills, programming and mathematical skills, meet like mined people
How san diego state unvversity will help me get there- excellent courses, teachers, reputation for producing students who are ready to take on the real world.