Discuss Give your opinion on how you would enhance the Starbucks business. What would you do with the knowledge that you gained from the course to enhance your business.


You will write a 7 page double spaced opinion paper (7th page must be reference page) with an ideal to enhance the business Starbucks. The ideas should be based on a topic discussion from the class (The Importance of Vision and the Motive to Lead) or from the readings. This can also be an extension of your topic paper for you like. This is NOT to be a research paper, but an opinion paper of how you can enhance a current business using a topic discussed within the course.

Please DO NOT share what IS happening in the business, but what CAN happen within the business.

Imagine you are a business owner/manager or leader pf the company Starbucks. Give your opinion on how you would enhance the Starbucks business. What would you do with the knowledge that you gained from the course to enhance your business.

Use Topic Paper file: The Importance of Vision and the Motive to Lead as a extension of this opinion paper. Remember to cite your references APA or MLA format.