Discuss some ethical dilemmas which have been unfolding within organisations during the COVID-19 crisis.


For this assignment you will write a 1,000-word essay exploring some ethical dilemmas which have been unfolding within organisations during the COVID-19 crisis.

For this essay you are required to refer to concrete, real-life examples reported in the media or in publicly available company documents or government reports to develop your argument. You are also required to make some reference in your essay to Critchley, Simon(2007) framework for understanding the nature of individual ethical experience.

The coursework should fulfil the following formal criteria:

It should include Harvard style in-text citations for all cited works, and a list of references at the end;

It should be spellchecked and grammar-checked;

The 1,000 word limit (+/- 10%) applies to the body of the text (including in-text citations), but not to the reference list at the end.