Discuss What type of impact is the topic having on the healthcare delivery system and what are the responses and implications for nursing leadership?



Each student is to identify a topic related to health care finance and submit a 10-12 page paper (not including cover page and reference page) on the selected topics (Hospital readmission on Congestive heart failure).

Each paper is expected to address the following:

Health Care Finance Paper Rubric

Criteria Health Care Finance Topic Points Assigned

• Introduction of the Issue

 Background and significance of issue and why did issue become relevant in healthcare

• Impact of the Issue on Healthcare

 What type of impact is the topic having on the healthcare delivery system and what are the responses and implications for nursing leadership?

• Review of the Current Literature on the Topic

 Need 11 references of which 8 should be from peer reviewed nursing and healthcare journals (not older than 5 years)

• Future Considerations

 What are the future implications of this trend?

• APA 7th edition, spelling, grammar, and references