Explore the value of creativity and innovation to society and within organizations as well as in creating competitive advantage

There are 4 items to address in this milestone.
Flesh out the analysis of how this business model will work for the company using the “USAID change management best practice guide” (described in Figure 5.2) as a framework. Continue developing the sections for this assignment.
Several newer theories (diagnostic or dialogic) for diagnosing organizational change and development were presented in Chapter 8 and the supplemental readings. One of these models or frameworks will resonate with your project. Pretend that you are an outsider looking in to the business agreements between your organization and the larger company. Explain how the project aligns with one of those models for change.
One of the senior managers at the large firm is opposed to the deal but you have a leader at that firm that is championing your ideas and the business partnership. Describe the processes and politics that your leader will have to address.
Describe how working with this new organization will expand the resources at your firm.
Course Outcomes:
Diagnose creative fitness and innovation and the importance of leadership, collaboration, and storytelling to promulgate an innovation strategy.
Explore the value of creativity and innovation to society and within organizations as well as in creating competitive advantage