Identify at least five examples of how their chosen theme has manifested in American history between 1865 and 1989.


Students will write one 3-5 page paper on the following prompt:

Throughout this course, we will view American history through seven themes: self-reliance, diversity, religiosity, materialism, dissent, industriousness, and reinvention. The first course reading will identify and give you a foundation of what each of these themes mean. Your task is to choose one of the themes, and show how this theme has manifested in American history between 1865 and 1989.

In this paper, students should first establish a definition for their chosen theme. Second, students should identify at least five examples of how their chosen theme has manifested in American history between 1865 and 1989. Last, students should analyze how expression of their chosen theme has changed over time and space.

Students should draw from the course lectures, Give Me Liberty, and Voices of Freedom (including the primary sources that are not assigned for the weekly discussion forums, but are relevant to your theme). Any outside materials should be properly identified and cited.

The primary focus of my evaluation will be the quality of the content. Did you answer the question? Did you support your answer or argument with the proper evidence from class readings? Formatting and mechanics will play a smaller, but still important role in my assessment of your writing.