What is your evaluation of the impact that COVID-19 has had/will have on trade and investment and in particular on the fintech sector?

Complete the following tasks:

Write a report in response to the following questions:

a. What is the state of play and opportunities Transformation in the Commonwealth?


challenges in Digital
(1,000 words)

b. What is your evaluation of the impact that COVID-19 has had/will have on trade and investment and in particular on the fintech sector? (500 words)

Write an 800-word written submission focused on the recommendations for Commonwealth Governments in which can provide more evidence and references to support the comments in your presentation. (800 words)

You should respond to the following questions:

Critically evaluate the possible challenges and opportunities of the fintech sector in a Commonwealth country of your choice within the context of a changing global trade landscape.

What recommendations can be made for Commonwealth Governments to support the fintech sector and encourage collaboration between Commonwealth countries?