What social media account are you focusing on this week? What did you do to optimize it?

Part 1
Create and optimize one social media account
Dive into the Pew Research reading and, based on data, identify the BEST social platforms for your audience and message. (Note: it may not be the platforms you thought they would be!)
Once you’ve identified your platform, choose the best web articles listed for those social channels under “readings”
Create (or update) business accounts for that platform
Optimize pages appropriately and fully
Part 2
Create a one-month content calendar for your social media
Read through how to set up and create a content calendar
Fill in  30 days of content – complete with  holidays, posts, blogs, CTA, visuals
Make sure the posting schedule (times and days) makes sense for your audience and your platforms. Refer to readings.
Note: Your content calendar should align with the work you have already completed– your goals, your brand personas, and your editorial and visual standards
Part 3
What social media account are you focusing on this week?
What did you do to optimize it?
Generally, how are you planning on growing your followers? (follow/unfollow, high engagement with followers, hashtag strategy, etc.)