Describe the content of the work of art as the artist intended it, and as you perceive it. What is this work about? What is the artist trying to communicate (if you can find that info) to you the viewer? What emotions is it trying to elicit? What do you think and feel when you view it? Is the work of arta comment, a criticism or glorification of the subject?

1.Write a brief history of the museum you chose to “visit”. 2.Analyze how the artwork is installed. What else is in the room? How is it organized? Why is this artwork placed with the others in the room? Describe the placement of the artwork that you chose. Is it hanging? On a pedestal? Aninstallation piece takingover space? 3.Analysis of Subject:What is the work of art actually depicting? What are the things (objects, people, animals, shapes/forms, etc..) being depicted. Describewhat you are seeing as though you are talking to a blind person. Ex: People of various ages and nationalities are sitting in a tight circle talking in an animated fashion.Or Ex: Angular geometric shapes are spinning wildly out of control.4.Analysis of Form:Begin with the descriptive information regarding the form and subject matter so that the reader can form a mental picture of the artwork early on. Describe what the work of art looks like. Describe its formal qualities utilizing the vocabulary of the visual elements and principles of designthat you have learned. –Use your book as a resource!i.-How does its physical scale impacts your perception of it?ii.-How would you describe the style? Is it abstract or naturalistic, representational or non-objective? Organic or mechanical?iii.-What kind of balance is used; symmetry, approximate asymmetryor asymmetry? iv.-How did the artist achieve unity and then balance that with variety?v.-What kind of color harmony best describes the colors? What is the mood? Ex: A dim blue light imparts a somber is the compositional structure? What is the focal point? vii.-How has the artist applied his/her medium? Ex:The paint is applied in thick, short strokes.Or Ex: the surface of the sculpture is smooth and polished.viii.These are NOT the only questions that you could answer!5.Analysis ofContext: How time & place influence the work.Include historical information that helps explain the context in which it was created. This means the context of the work of art and artists, NOT the context of the subjectdepicted. What part of the world does it come from? How andwhere is the work meant to be viewed? In a church, outdoors,a home? Does it belong to a specific era or movement?What ethnic or cultural considerations inform the work?How does the context affect the form, subject and content? How does the contextual information help you analyze the content? If the work is contemporary, use the context of now and the place where it comes from.6.Analysis of Iconography: This will take some research and only applies to representational artwork (naturalistic or abstract). What are the symbols embedded in the work that guide the viewer (historic and contemporary) towards understanding its content? Not all work utilizes iconography-it is specific symbols. 7.Analysis ofContent:Describe the content of the work of art as the artist intended it, and as you perceive it. What is this work about? What is the artist trying to communicate (if you can find that
info) to you the viewer? What emotions is it trying to elicit? What do you think and feel when you view it? Is the work of arta comment, a criticism or glorification of the subject?

8.Analysis ofPurpose & Function:Can this work be classified as belonging to one or more particular themes? Art for delight, as commemoration, worship & ritual, persuasion, self expression.]

9.Research:Provide some research information that is pertinent to your chosen work of art. Some biographical information may be relevant to the work. For example, if the work of art depicts a pair of shoes and the artist’s father was a cobbler; that would make senseto include. Any other research information about the work of art that sheds light on why it was created, how it was created, the artworks life beyond the artist or any information of interest like a scandal or accolades associated with it would be appropriate.

10.Personal Reflection:Why did you choose it? What about it intrigues you? Is there a personal story that you can share that relates this artwork to you? Something beyond the over used phrase “It caught my eye