Discuss Should the US move in the direction of less public support for the poor? If so, what are the implications? If not, what should be done

. Read Kraft and Furlong Chapter 9 and the lecture note posted.

2. Submit your one-paragraph response both as a discussion post in the discussion forum and as a file in the weekly response folder, reflecting on one of the following discussion questions, which should demonstrate the mastery of the assigned reading and the material.

* Please clearly state which of the following questions you are addressing in your essay.

* Please show that you have studied the material by reflecting on the assigned chapter. Citing textbook helps.

* Make sure to fully elaborate your response.

Question: There has been a lot of debate recently regarding the level of public assistance that should go to the poor and the related question of personal responsibility. Should the US move in the direction of less public support for the poor? If so, what are the implications? If not, what should be done