Discuss What can Ontario educators learn from the educational frameworks in the other two provinces/countries?


Review Paper

Using the Ontario Leadership Framework document, compare and contrast specific concepts

found in the Leadership Frameworks from three provinces (Ontario, Alberta, and Manitoba). One of the provinces must

be Ontario.

using literature and the relevant school leadership frameworks to structure your paper, you are

being asked to develop a theoretically-informed review paper that


1. comparing and contrasting of School Level Leadership Frameworks(issues from the five issues in the school level framework)

2. comparing and contrasting of leadership capacities;

Drawing on the knowledge discovered from comparing and contrasting of the Leadership


1. What can Ontario educators learn from the educational frameworks in the other two


2. What can educators in the other two provinces/countries learn from the Ontario Leadership


Within your review paper, you need to provide evidence of expansive reading and integration of

this knowledge directed at the ways in which theory and leadership frameworks inform your

leadership values and philosophy. You also need to provide evidence of synthesis and evaluation

of practice and theory, not just description. Inter-connected with the demonstration of synthesis

and evaluation within your paper, you need to make clear and concise arguments as you compare

and contrast the three distinct leadership frameworks.

Students must include and cite a minimum of ten additional resources not utilized during

the course readings. Ensure that APA 7 protocol is implemented throughout this entire assignment.

No introduction or conclusion just the body of the paper