Discuss What event currently happening government, applies to this subject of this article?

For this assignment, you will create a response to an associated reading (journal article). Each response will associate this reading with a current event happening within the U.S. You will choose the current event to relate your reading to.

Response Guidelines: Each response will consist of the following:

-2 pages minimum

-1 journal article for reference

-In text citations (references) to the associated article

-1 current event discussion (must be an issue currently happening within local, state, or Federal government).

-Must address the questions provided by the professor on this instruction sheet.

Questions to consider (Please use these questions as headings to section within your response):

1. What is the central question of the reading?

2. How does the author answer this question (i.e. what research does he/she provide)?

3. What event currently happening government, applies to this subject of this article?

4. What lesson is this article trying to teach us?

please read an article in additional materials