Identify a problem affecting our society. Research that problem from MULTIPLE perspectives for balance. Propose and prove a solution to the problem.


Identify a problem affecting our society.

Research that problem from MULTIPLE perspectives for balance.

Propose and prove a solution to the problem.


TOPICS dealing with gun control or gun-related issues, global warming or global weather-related issues, capital punishment / death penalty, religion, euthanasia, abortion, obesity/food issues, exercise, drugs (legal or illegal), tax laws, alcohol or smoking are NOT ALLOWED. No JUNK science (no “Zombie Apocalypse”). THIS IS ALSO NOT TO BE A SALES PITCH FOR A PRODUCT OR SERVICE!!!

The paper MUST contain a clear claim stating a proposal, a counterclaim, a strong rebuttal, and supporting evidence drawn from at least 10 sources, including a mixture of secondary and primary sources. Stick to the facts that are balanced.

Neither your opinion nor your faith should be included.

Avoid history or background that is not directly connected to your thesis (i.e. a reader does not need the history of the stem cells for a paper on whether or not stem cell research should be continued).

No use of A) encyclopedias (in any form), B) -type sites, C) religious texts, D) the dictionary as a source, E) EDITORIALS or F) NO WIKI-anything.

Clearly identify MLA citations throughout the paper in proper MLA format.

The research paper must contain:

A research paper of no less than NINE (9 does not mean eight and a half (8.5) or eight and a quarter (8.25) or even eight and three fourths (8.75)) double-spaced, typed (Times Roman, 10- or 12-point font) pages, complete with extensive MLA citations throughout. ). MIN. 9+? OF JUST RESEARCH! SUGGESTION: 10-11 DSTP

GRAPHICS and other text features may be added AFTER the research paper. Add as an appendices.

Work Cited page in alpha order. Use full references.