Identify three (3) gaps you’ve discovered that require further investigation / questioning in order to ensure you have secured the maximum amount of information. Explain how these are gaps.

Based on the material presented throughout the course, you are to review each free narrative statement and provide the following information:

For each witness statement, identify three (3) gaps you’ve discovered that require further investigation / questioning in order to ensure you have secured the maximum amount of information. Explain how these are gaps.

Identify and list three (3) key follow up questions for each witness and state why these questions are necessary (e.g do they align with the gaps you have identified?)

Tunnel vison can impact the integrity of an investigation, whereas an open minded approach allows for working theories to be developed that are supported or disproven by the evidence. Based on your initial perceptions of the scene, identify three (3) working theories outlining why/how the collision occurred. Of these theories, how did you either rule them out as incorrect or confirm their accuracy.