What is your professional or member organization that promotes the field or industry (i.e. American Holistic Medical Association American Public Health Association, or the National Medical Association?)


The interview questions must be written in a report format. Answers from providers interviewed should not be altered.

Professional Interview Questions

Instructions for conducting the interview

Research the requirements and employment options for the CAM provider you choose. Besides choosing five (5) questions from the list below make sure you site the source of the information on a typed reference page.

Required Questions:

What is your field of study?

What benefits can be expected from this therapy?

What are the risks, if any, associated with this therapy?

What kind of training or background is necessary for this type of profession?

Where did you receive your training and what credentials did you receive?

What is your professional or member organization that promotes the field or industry (i.e. American Holistic Medical Association American Public Health Association, or the National Medical Association?)

Do you think students should be required to complete an internship or volunteer in CAM?

Where do you see CAM headed in practice, research, and application in relation to conventional or Western medicine in the near future (5-10 years)?

How do you think alternative and conventional practitioners can work together better?

Would you advocate in the legislature to get CAM modalities reimbursed or promoted as part of conventional medicine?

(Doesn’t have to be an interview just research and make it seemed like a interview)