Apply Cognitive Behaviour Theory for the case conceptualization and psychodynamic therapy. Combined how does INTEGRATION of these theories bolster CBT work?Explain

To complete this paper watch Module 6: Case Conceptualization BEFORE preparing and designing your paper. I have attached snip its from slides below to reference. Please use one of Dr. Victoria Kress’s published papers and reference within the paper.

The report shall include the following sections:

A client case student

Apply Cognitive Behaviour Theory for the case conceptualization and psychodynamic therapy. Combined how does INTEGRATION of these theories bolster CBT work?

NOTES for writer

Aaron Beck makes the case these usually divided approaches have significant benefit when combined. Beck points out the importance of being informed by transference issues, childhood issues, and the clinical use of dreams, all typically dismissed in CBT but important issues in the therapy process. Beck and others support the combination when a therapist with diverse clinical expertise is at the helm.

A resource I found that may prove useful is;

Additionally the Beck Institute has information.