Based on what you know about HR, what can you recommend to the employee or organization to improve their situation? Or, in the case of a positive example, what can you suggest for other organizations based on what you learned from this situation and your knowledge about HR?

Summarize the article in your own words. (1-2 paragraphs) For example:
What is the issue the organization, manager or employee is facing?
Why did the issue come about?
Why is this good/bad for the employee and/or organization?
What are the HR theories/topics that relate to this issue?
Briefly summarize the one to two theories that you will use to help explain the issue. While there may be many related theories, it is best to limit yourself to the most relevant ones to be able to clearly explain and provide enough detail for your grade. Include definitions.
Apply the HR theories/topics to the issue
Clearly explain how the theories/topics apply to the issue. Use examples from the article to make it clear that you understand how the theory/topic applies to this situation. Analyze the situation based on what you know from class.
Recommendations and conclusions
Based on what you know about HR, what can you recommend to the employee or organization to improve their situation? Or, in the case of a positive example, what can you suggest for other organizations based on what you learned from this situation and your knowledge about HR?
Please appropriately cite and quote any content from the article and the textbook or other sources. You are not required to use other sources for this assignment, but you can cite the textbook and class slides if you wish.