Compare between our draft with the (Sample Grade A – previous project)

1-you’ll find the final draft of our project named as (Project-Du) – ” Which I need you to edit on it and highlight what did do you edit with gray color so I can check”. So, you need to compare the final project with the Guidlines PDF and check that we followed our instructor directions.

2- you’ll find a video named as (Team 3 Meeting), please watch the video and note down the instructor’s comments and apply it on the main draft and do the needed and highlight that as well for me.

3- Double-check the KPI excel sheet and match it with the project.

4- compare between our draft with the (Sample Grade A – previous project)

Finall, I want you to make me a CREATIVE and professional presentation out of the final draft and after the editing you have made. I attached a sample presentation as-well that I want you to make a new presentation better than the sample.