Critically analyse and discuss how you, as a social worker, would work with and support Poppy at different ‘stages’ in her life.

This case study will require you to critically analyse and discuss how you, as a social worker, would work with and support Poppy at different ‘stages’ in her life. At each of these three ‘stages’ you need to consider:
a) Human growth and development theories (minimum of two different theoretical approaches/models at each age). You will need to critically evaluate your chosen theories in relation to:
how they help you understand Poppy’s needs and wishes in order to make an accurate and useful assessment;
help you practice in an anti-discriminatory manner.
b) How you would apply these theories within an ecological perspective, taking into account:
the socio-economic and cultural context;
other factors that may affect Poppy’s individual life course.
c) How research and best practice models inform your choice and evaluation of theoretical approaches:
drawing on a wide range of literature, critically evaluate the theories you have chosen,
i.e. analyse (argue) why the application of the chosen theories would be beneficial in supporting Poppy at each age stage. Include consideration of the limitations/critiques of these theories also.