Discuss Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain unchanged? Why?


Criteria for written assignments:

Type your full name, course name, and date in the upper left-hand corner of the page

Type your subject in the center of the page. The subject should be the name of the assignment

Start your writing at the left margin (do not center your entire paper)

Use Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman 12-point font

Use double spacing

Use correct spelling and grammar

Use proper citations to give credit to other resources and ideas that are not your own

There is no length requirement, but you must answer all the question(s) in depth.

Answer the following:

Part 1:

Complete the Occupational Outlook Handbook by copying and pasting the following link  and Values Assessment through My Plan  to assess your interest and skills to see how they relate to the career you are interested in or currently pursuing. Answers the following questions for each of the surveys:

What were your results and what do they mean on the survey?

Were you surprised by your results?

Did your results match the job you have or are pursuing?

Will the results change your career goals?

Part 2:

Using the Occupational Outlook Handbook  .The OOH published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics  (BLS), you will research the career you are interested in pursuing. Answers the following questions:

What is the occupation you are pursuing?

How does the occupation fit your skills and interests?

What is the necessary education and/or training?

Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain unchanged? Why?

How much does this occupation pay in your geographical location? Include where you will be working.

Do you know anyone who currently has a job in this occupation? If yes, do you know what they like or dislike about the job?

Write a brief summary of what you learned by researching your career choice. Were there any surprises or possible roadblocks you discovered? Did this help you confirm your choice, or did it lead to looking at other career choices or related fields?