Evaluate A= mean+ -kxStandard deviation and B= mean -kxStandard deviation. Use the function COUNTIFS to count the number of data points that are between A and B and see whetherbthis agrees with Chebyshev’s theory). For part b) see whether your results agree with the empirical rule – 68-95-99.7% rule for k=1,2,and 3( This is not in our text but I discussed it in one of our meetings.

The following is your project (worth 10% of grade): Generate 200 random integers between 1 and 9999
a) verify Chebyshev’s Theorem (pages 135 –137 text for k=1.5,2,3
b) determine whether these data is normal or approxinmately normally distributed Justify your decision.

This project should be no more than 2-4 pages ( if you use Excel you can use the RANDBETWEEN FUNCTION to generate random numbers.. Evaluate A= mean+ -kxStandard deviation and B= mean -kxStandard deviation. Use the function COUNTIFS to count the number of data points that are between A and B and see whetherbthis agrees with Chebyshev’s theory). For part b) see whether your results agree with the empirical rule – 68-95-99.7% rule for k=1,2,and 3( This is not in our text but I discussed it in one of our meetings. You can always investigate it on the web) . There is another test you can use which is coveredd in chap 10.