Explain Have you considered all the AR and MR of theft, with most emphasis on the more problematic elements? Have you analysed the question to determine and explain the relevant law, statutory provisions and cases on theft that are relevant to each element?


In your answer, have you identified when the possible offence/s might have occurred? (the part of the facts you are about to discuss?

Have you provided a definition of theft?

Have you considered all the AR and MR of theft, with most emphasis on the more problematic elements? Have you analysed the question to determine and explain the relevant law, statutory provisions and cases on theft that are relevant to each element? Explanations should: (a) be comprehensive: in sufficient detail and not brief or superficial

(b) be clear, as opposed to confused or vague (c) be legally accurate as opposed to inaccurate (d) be complete and not contain omissions (e) be relevant to the question and not contain irrelevant discussion (f) be reflective of the law where appropriate. In relation

to cases, refer only to those cases that are potentially relevant to the facts of the question and show case law development and contrasting cases where appropriate (provide case facts where they illustrate the points).