Paper write up – write up of this assignment should contain the following:
a. An introduction that presents the topic (Effectiveness of Abstinence-Only Education versus Comprehensive Sex Education) and main claim(s) you will be addressing in your paper. The introduction should capture the reader’s interest, present any controversies in the topic, a thesis or question you will address in the paper, and an outline of the rest of the paper.
b. Body of your paper organized in themes/sections. Within these sections you should describe the claims and evidence from the 6 sources provided below. Present information about positions the sources take, how they support those positions. Follow the description with a critical evaluation of your sources. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the information provided by the source and unanswered questions or how the source contributes to the topic and leads to the next paragraph.
c. Comparison of sources. You should make comparison among sources and your evaluation of the sources. How do the sources support one another, refute one another, and explanations for which sources were more impactful and why.
d. Conclusion. You should make conclusive statements about the topic/issue you are addressing, implications of the issue to parents, teachers, counselors, or others in interacting with children, and issues or factors that are left unresolved or unaddressed.