Explain How does using her phone give Starr power in a particular situation where she otherwise wouldn’t have had any?

Choose ONE of these tasks and write at least 500 words. (You are of course allowed to write more, and should do so if you aim for grade 5-6)
– Give your text a suitable title
– Divide your text into paragraphs
– Check spelling on Ordnett Pluss

1. Many of the characters in the film act bravely in difficult situations. Give examples of such acts and discuss what you think made the characters show courage in these situations.

2. Phones play a significant role in the story, not only for communication, but also for recording important incidents.
a) How does using her phone give Starr power in a particular situation where she otherwise wouldn’t have had any?
b) Many people are quick to get their phone cameras out when accidents happen. What are the ethical dilemmas involved in such behavior? Discuss both positive and negative consequences.

3. The novel’s author says that she sees writing books as a form of activism. Do you agree? Can stories like this one, whether it is in the form of a book or a film, make people act, speak up or make a stand?