Identify the team leadership model best suited for your organization and provide a rationale for your explanation.


Project Final Deliverable: For this project, you will work to create a PowerPoint presentation on implementing virtual, multicultural, geographically distributed teams as if you worked for Amazon during a company merger or acquisition. You will prepare and conduct your presentation over the next 2 steps, during which you will make recommendations for team composition and address country cultural differences. Before you get started, read the full description of the final deliverable and the steps to completion.

Your contribution to this project is to:

Deliverable 1: Make Recommendations for Team Composition – Present in Power Point w/3-4 slides with Notes and reference page

It’s time to start looking at the teams themselves and thinking about how they should be composed. Keep the following preferences in mind as you make recommendations about team composition:

• Recommend ideal team size, team composition, and team roles, based on your organization’s needs. (descriptive guides are attached)

• Analyze options for handling team leadership. (descriptive guide is attached)

• Identify the team leadership model best suited for your organization and provide a rationale for your explanation.

Deliverable 2: Address Country Cultural Differences. Present in Power Point w/3-4 slides with Notes and reference page

The next challenge to tackle is cultural differences. As a result of this merger, many members of your virtual teams will be French, Japanese, and American, and you will need to make suggestions about how to navigate cultural differences and preferences among team members of these nationalities. This resource on country cultural differences (descriptive guide attached) provides guidance about how to proceed with this important component of your team project.

After reading the resources on country cultural differences, complete the following tasks:

• Identify potential sources of concern about having company operations in different locations around the world.

• Make and defend recommendations about the optimal approach to prepare for cultural differences and preferences among team members.