Discuss on how your experience as a Nursing student and emerging medical professional during your semester has influenced the study and interpretation of the bible.

Create a free account on Adobe Spark website (Links to an external site.)
After sign in, click on the “+” button to create a project
Then select “Page” by clicking on the “+” button.
Now you are ready to create your web page.
Once your web page is completed, click Share, choose a category, then click Create Link.
Copy and paste the link of your Adobe Spark web page into the discussion board and share with the class.
Part 2 – Here is the RUBRIC for this Contextual Reflection that is due at the end of the term:
This assignment is an opportunity for you to reflect theoretically and practically on how your experience as a Nursing student and emerging medical professional during your semester has influenced the study and interpretation of the bible.
On your Spark (a place of your choosing) state the pericope assigned by your Instructor at the beginning of the semester. It is the one you used for the Exegetical Assignment earlier in the term – posted in the Announcement section of Canvas.
NO need to use any APA formatting – that is moot.