How will you prepare each of the agars f. Include time and temperature you will ferment the product.

Cut the cabbage into quarters and trim out the core. Slice each quarter down its length, making 8 wedges. Slice each wedge crosswise into very thin ribbons. 3) Combine the cabbage and salt. Place the cabbage in a bowl and add the salt. Begin working the salt into the cabbage by massaging and squeezing the cabbage with your hands. 1 I/01 4) Pack the cabbage into the jar. Tamp down the cabbage in the jar with your fist. Pour any 4(AVe/Sf 04 liquid released by the cabbage while you were massaging it into the jar. Optional: Place one of the larger outer leaves of the cabbage over the surface of the sliced cabbage. This t- will help keep the cabbage submerged in its liquid. 5) Cover the jar. Cover the mouth of the Mason jar with a cloth and secure it with a rubber an or twine. 6) Ferment the cabbage for at least 3 days at room temperature. Questions and Procedure for the Fermentation Lab:

1) What is fermentation? ,-”

2) Define cellular respiration:

3) What is aerobic respiration?

4) What is anaerobic respiration?-‘

5) Which are the two types of fermentation

6) In your own words, define the objectives of this lab.

7) What are the equipment and materials required for this lab? ) Make a flow dia ram of the fermentation procedure ou will use in your experiment:

• a. Discuss each of the steps use in t e ermentation.

b. In the flow chart include how you will prepare the required microbial dilutions before and after fermentation in sauerkraut.

c. In the flow chart include mold and yeast, bacteria and coliform determination glue

r racct before and after fermentation of sauerkraut.

d. Include the type of agar used to determine each type of microorganism before Fe irene and after fermentation.

v w e. How will you prepare each of the agars f. Include time and temperature you will ferment the product.

g. At what temperature are the petri dishes incubated for mold and yeast, bacteria and coliforms?