Use Porter’s Generic Strategies, Ansoffs Matrix and/or Nykiel’s fourteen hotel strategic growth options to critically examine the strategic growth alternatives for your chosen hotel within your chosen emerging market


Assessment Task: This assessment affords you the opportunity to undertake research using a

wide range of source material into a hotel company of your choice and to assess the strategic

position of this chosen organization and examine strategic growth options to seek medium and

long term market growth in an emerging market of your choice.

OBJECTIVE 1: Select one of the up and coming hotel company and conduct a SWOT analysis of your selected

hotel company.

OBJECTIVE 2: Select one of the emerging markets of the world as taken from the WTM Industry report –and

UNWTO Tourism Highlights, which you feel is right for your hotel company to seek an entry into

that market and ultimately to seek medium and long term market growth.

Conduct a PEST analysis of the emerging market you have selected. All the PEST facts and

factors you have chosen to highlight must have a direct or indirect relevance to both the

hospitality industry both on a nationally and internationally level and the hotel company chosen.

OBJECTIVE 3: Use Porter’s Generic Strategies, Ansoffs Matrix and/or Nykiel’s fourteen hotel strategic growth

options to critically examine the strategic growth alternatives for your chosen hotel within your

chosen emerging market

Suggested Structure Layout Of Project:

• Introduction

• Background to the Hotel Company

• Strategic Position of the Hotel

• Analysis of SWOT

• Global Hospitality Markets and Emerging Markets

• PEST of selected emerging market and the global market

• Micro Environmental Analysis

• Market Growth Strategy to be adopted and to be implemented (using strategic model

and frameworks) within the entering market

• Justification, implementation of the strategy and moving forward

• Conclusion

• Reference List

• Appendices