Critically evaluate the concepts of task vs situational leadership of the Lead Nurse in charge of a cardiac arrest management case in a hospital base environment.


Leadership and Effective Nursing Care on a Cardiac Arrest Management

1. INTRODUCTION: Signposting, Rationale and Leadership Definitions

The aim of this essay is to critically evaluate the concepts of task vs situational leadership of the Lead Nurse in charge of a cardiac arrest management case in a hospital base environment.

The essay will further examine the effectiveness of team working, analyse the impact of clinical governance and human factor to determine successful intervention. The rationale for choosing this intervention is to recognise the main features of task vs situational leadership and how the use of this styles by a Nurse engages others to work effectively in the pursuit of a shared goal as defined by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2010). Finally, the case study will be discussed on the impact of effective leadership style, knowledge and skills as important