Discuss “USA has strict laws in comparison to say Switzerland yet they are number 1 in money laundering”.


Investigating money laundering and financial crime: A comparative study of the USA and Switzerland’Order Description:- emphasise that the reason you’re going for the states is because they have heavy laws against it whereas in Switzerland it is more relaxed.

For each section An abstract: This is where you provide a short description of everything you will cover in sections 2-8 but remember the important bit is highlighting that USA has strict laws in comparison to say Switzerland yet they are number 1 in money laundering.

An introduction to the research problem: Here you expand on the why America is facing this crisis. 3) An overview of the relevant literature: Here your main focus is on opinions over money laundering(so they may not necessarily focus on the USA) bring arguments from academics and people who either support of condemn ML. You should also identify some theories and frameworks that stand out as your reading through articles and news clippings to try and link them to your study on the US

4) A critical discussion of research design and quality criteria in general: Be wise in how you want to go about this.Use secondary data. So these should be statistics you get from say banks or government websites that capture data on ML from both countries. Try get these from articles you are reading (reference lists) or even the link above track where they get information from.

5) Your main research question, and research design You need to set out research questions (3 at most) and objectives (3-5). Remember part of your objectives is trying to identify what factors contribute to America having such high cases of ML

6) Ethical considerations ; This is a step that you want to make easier on yourself. If you wanted to do questionnaires / interviews you would be required to provide examples as well as ensure that you are not acquiring your data unethically or violating any rules and laws. Hence my advise to go for secondary data

7) A project plan, including an analysis of skills needed: Here you need to mention a timeline or present out so simple diagram If you need to learn to use any software for data analysis make sure you do so and mention how you intend on doing so

8) A summary of your next steps: This is a reflection of the timeline above you simply mention what you hope to achieve until your submission and how you will go about it before commencing assignment 2 below.