Evaluate the importance of stakeholder analysis to successful projects and include a stakeholder analysis for undertaking such a task.

You are a manager within Skanska. Skanska has decided on a new environmental policy and has tasked managers to review their current suppliers and assess the environmental impact of their current supplier choices. Suppliers need to be reviewed with regards to the carbon footprint of deliveries from these suppliers, their environmental policies and their commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. The scope of the project therefore is to determine the format or method that the review will take place (how the review will be undertaken) and when – determine a schedule for the review.
Task 1
a) Confirm why this request can be considered a project and its likely key deliverables and constraints
b) Evaluate the importance of stakeholder analysis to successful projects and include a stakeholder analysis for undertaking such a task. This should consider of all stakeholder needs and interests from the project and identify who can participate / is needed to contribute towards the project to optimise its success.
c) Given that this will require a review of a number of current suppliers, provide an explanation as to how the task schedule would be developed and presented, and how this might align with a Project Initiation Document / Business Case d) Explain how the project’s performance will be monitored, including justification of the techniques which you propose to us
Question 2
For the project in task 1, critically analyse the process you would follow to produce a detailed plan, post project approval. Provide justification and state how the plan could be developed. Advise and justify the expected lifecycle of this project and how this impact on project planning. This should include an evaluation of a range of planning tools covering each aspect of the iron triangle such as WBS, RBS, Gantt and Budget. Illustrate how these would look in practice with reference to this project. We are not looking for accuracy regarding contents, just an illustration as to what each planning tool might include.