What is your turnaround time to produce your product once you have received an order?Discuss


Operations Section -(1 page)

* Create an operations plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics:

* Facilities.

* Consider questions such as these regarding facilities:

* Buy, utilities and costs associated.

* Production Process or Description of How Your Business Will Operate If Retail or Service Company.

* Include any equipment you plan to use, if applicable.

* Research needed equipment, such as machines, refrigerators, burners, ovens, and so on.

* Buying all equipment , How will you maintain and clean the equipment? Ensure quality control, capacity,

* Explain your approach to inventory, as applicable.

* Where do your supplies come from?

* What is your turnaround time to produce your product once you have received an order?

* Research and Development.

* How will you stay abreast of new developments in the industry?

* What new products or services are in development?

* Personnel Needs in Operations.

* How many operations employees do you plan to have?

* What will their roles be?

Technology Section (1 page)