Discuss the gaps in existing information systems approaches and solutions to the problem

Paper detalis:

(40 points) A report detailing your IT solution. The report should:
a. (5 points) Describe the problem and the context. For example
i. Who are the stakeholders?
ii. What is the problem?
iii. Why this is a problem?
b. (10 points) Develop the process model underlying the problem
c. (5 points) Identify a software vendor and product which is a potential solution to the problem
d. (5 points) Discuss the gaps in existing information systems approaches and solutions to the problem
e. (15 points) Explain the major components of your IT solution, including how your solution address healthcare requirements including standards (codes) and HIPAA
f. Format:
i. 11-point font, double-spaced, justified on both sides
ii. Include page numbering, appropriate section titles, and references
iii. Not exceed 20 pages, including references and appendices
Please write based on my PowerPoint and a short write up on slide 6. Thank you.