Evaluate the theory and application of the data collection methods used in the context of their own research study.


(The questionnaire and the interviews need to be constructed with the purpose to understand if the corporate manager leaning their business decision on the interest of the stakeholder or shareholders, The student have to explain why he decide to choose that kind of questionnaire, and why he choose to ask these question).

Conduct a PRIMARY RESEARCH to further investigate a chosen topic. Deploy two different

data collection methods (e.g interview and a questionnaire) including the design of suitable questions to be asked of

a relevant small research sample (minimum 3).

In the Research Report, present, evaluate and interpret both qualitative and quantitative data. Collate and analyse

the data and present the research findings using a range of formats e.g. using software for word processing,

spreadsheets, surveys, statistical analysis and presentations. Communicate the results of the research study

accurately and reliably, with structured and coherent arguments.

Evaluate the theory and application of the data collection methods used in the context of their own research study.

a) Students may extend secondary research conducted for assignment 1, or collect new data. Investigate the

chosen topic using primary research methods (interview and questionnaire).

b) To ensure a relevant data set is gathered, select an appropriate sample of participants. Interview at least one

participant and collect the questionnaire from at least 3 participants.

In the Research Report, the presentation of findings shall demonstrate effective use of software e.g. word

processing, spreadsheets, surveys, statistical analysis and presentation of data and findings.