What are your reactions and/or feelings to the documentary/articles? What have you learned? What insights have you gained?Discuss your reactions

After completing this week’s module (Week 10 readings and documentary), complete a Reflective Journal entry. What is a Reflective Journal, you ask? Read on…

Consider the following general prompts as you create your reflective journal:
• What are your reactions and/or feelings to the documentary/articles? What have you learned? What insights have you gained? • Can you apply any concepts discussed in the course (i.e. in the readings) here? • What did you like/dislike? Why? • Discuss your reactions; consider what stood out for you, challenged you, what it made you rethink? Consider focusing on 2-3 points and expanding on those. • What aspects of the documentary/articles had personal significance to you? • Did the documentary/articles relate to your life in any way? • What are your reactions and/or feelings to the documentary/articles? What have you learned? What insights have you gained? • Can you apply any concepts discussed in the course (i.e. in the readings) here?
You are not at all limited to the questions above. Feel free to reflect on your own questions and lines of inquiry (in other words, you do not have to use the questions above). Happy Journaling! : )