What factors explain the value created from the reformulation for Fleximat?

What is the current value of Medfield as a company? Use the Exhibit 4 spreadsheet to calculate the NPV of Medfield. Compare this result to the offer price and provide your reasoning for the difference.

If we consider the sale of Medfield as the sale of existing assets, how does the elimination of R&D, investment in future assets, change the valuation of Medfield? (Using the Exhibit 4 spreadsheet, distinguish between the NPV value of existing products and R&D)

What is the value that would be created by a reformulation? Complete and explain the table below.

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Incremental Research 35 35
Incremental Special Marketing 25 25 25 25 25

Growth 2% -50% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
2% 2% -50%
-50% -50%
New Sales 214.77
Marginal Sales (New Sales – Original Sales 0.00

New Cost of Sales 49.40
Marginal Cost of Sales 0.00

New Direct Marketing 57.99
Old Direct Marketing 57.99 59.15 29.57 14.79 7.39 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Marginal Direct Marketing 0.00

New G&A 8.59
Old G&A 8.59 8.76 4.38 2.19 1.10 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Marginal G&A 0.00

Marginal Cash Flow pre Tax (60.00)
Marginal NOPAT (40.80)


What factors explain the value created from the reformulation for Fleximat?

Who reaps the financial benefits?

Who bears the financial costs?

What facts would change your mind and cause you to recommend against reformulation?

7. Under what conditions might you be in favor of reformulation?

How would you change your thinking if Medfield’s reformulation approach were more substantive (e.g. drug works faster, works longer) than cosmetic?

Could Medfield use the extra value created by the reformulation to generate new and helpful products?

When you consider Medfield’s stakeholders, what are their key issues? Choose three from the following list and discuss the key issues.
Shareholders of Medfield
Patients using the drug
Third-party payees (Medicare, private insurance companies, etc.)
Employees of Medfield

What ethical issues need to be considered in making a reformulation decision? Which are more pressing? You can use external references sources to support your discussion of the ethical issues.

What should Susan Johnson do? Explain your choice of a, b, c, or d. If you have another approach, discuss it here.