Evaluate a recent, mainstream (not written for academics) IR commentary or op-ed article of your choosing.

The point of the assignment is to analyze an International Relations Op-Ed and argue which International Relations theory the author is utilizing based on the arguments they make in the article. The theories you can choose from are: Realism, Liberalism, and Contructivism. Please choose ONE of these theories and make an argument for why that is the theory the author subscribes to. I will attach the Op-Ed that you are analyzing and some reading from each IR theory that you can use as sources when analyzing the article.

Instructions from Professor:

You’ll evaluate a recent, mainstream (not written for academics) IR commentary or op-ed article of your choosing. The article you select from a newspaper or current affairs magazine must relate to a real world event or issue and offer a sound basis for analysis (i.e., present an argument). One place to search for such articles is EBSCOhost Newspaper Source Plus, available on the UMW library website. I expect thoughtful, highly polished papers of 5 pages minimum.