Explain the tragic elements of the US policy in Vietnam, American protest against the war, and the plight of soldiers and veterans.


(First Page; Full page) :

Read Chapter 29 from The American Promise, Volume II and write your responses to the questions below in outline format or as a rough draft. Use specific historical examples and details. You must use your own words to describe the events; do not copy from the textbook or other sources.

The Vietnam War has been described as a “tragic” situation, one in which there was no positive solution possible. Explain the tragic elements of the US policy in Vietnam, American protest against the war, and the plight of soldiers and veterans. Think about alternatives to prevent these tragedies: what could the US government, military, or American citizens have done to avoid the tragedies you described?

(Second Page; Half a page) Please title this post:

Initial Post: Drawing on Document 10, write a paragraph in the first person as a US soldier in Vietnam, describing your experiences in warfare and how you feel about them after the war is over.

(Second Page; Half a page) Please title this post:

Response Post: Drawing on Document 10, write a response to another person’s initial post in the first person as a Vietcong soldier, comparing and contrasting your experiences in warfare and how you feel about the war now that it is over.

Note from me (client):

On the Response Post, you need to reply to one of my classmates post in 1st person point of view. I uploaded a screenshot of his post. There’s no need to cite anything. Just make use of all the documents I uploaded.