Identify which quantitative or qualitative design will be finally selected to study your topic and explain why.


Module 5 Discussion : Qualitative Research

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Part 1: Understanding Each Design in Your Research Contexts (50%, between 1/2~2/3 page, single-line spaced)

For each design option covered by Creswell (grounded theory, ethnography, and narrative research), provide a scenario when it would be appropriate to use each of those three selected qualitative research designs for your research topic (think about how you can best leverage what each design offers). Please note that I am NOT asking you to fully discuss how you will conduct an actual study within each design in detail (that’s the next one, part 2). Part 1 is to verify your understanding of core characteristics of each design (when people share, you will learn more about how each design can apply to various research topics). If your topic is difficult or nearly impossible to be studied by the particular design, concisely state why. Truth is, the body of knowledge on any research topic is most fruitful when it is examined in diverse ways, and in order for the topic to be framed within each design, some adjustment will be always necessary.

Part 2: Selecting and Working within a Particular Design (50%, no more than 1/2~2/3 page, single-line spaced)

Pick one design out of 3 discussed above, which will work the best to study your topic. Briefly state why the chosen design will work better than the other two. For the selected design, how will you write or revise your research purpose and research questions? Elaborate on how you will implement the selected design. To do so, incorporate Creswell’s suggestions for the selected design explicitly into your answer (e.g., For (design label), Creswell states that a researcher can/should do …, accordingly the proposed research will do…). ,

Additionally on a separate short paragraph, identify which quantitative or qualitative design will be finally selected to study your topic and explain why. If you have revised your purpose statement and research questions, append them. Check yourself if description of the selected design (in module 4 or 5) and revised purpose/questions align well with each other. Has your thought about using the quantitative or qualitative research changed or stayed the same? If any change or adjustment has been made, what are they and why?