What is COMPAS? What kinds of predictors does COMPAS use in its algorithm and in what locations is COMPAS used today?Explain

What algorithms are you subjected to on a daily basis? Think about your social media, shopping habits, etc. How accurate do you feel those algorithms are; do your Facebook ads and google ads hit too close to home? (~ 2-3 sentences)

What is COMPAS? What kinds of predictors does COMPAS use in its algorithm and in what locations is COMPAS used today? (~ 3 sentences)

What is “wisdom of the crowd”? How might this apply to the concept of a jury of one’s peers? (~2-3 sentences)

Describe the results involving race from Julia Dressel’s study. How did the COMPAS predictions compare to human predictions? (~3-4 sentences)

How do you feel about algorithms and their role in the criminal justice system? We know humans are not better than the algorithms, but should we just then strive to create better algorithms or should we abandon these artificial intelligence endeavors into criminal sentencing altogether? (~ 1 paragraph)